Speak To ‘The One’

I was helping a thyroid expert with his landing page. While the headline and bulletpoints were fine taken by themselves, there was a big issue… The headline and half the bullets teased about how a gland is the cause of your mysterious weight gain and low energy woes. The other half of the bullets straight…

Your ‘Real’ Competition

Your prospects see an average of 5,000 ads a day. This means if you don’t stand out, you’ll be lost in the sea of competition. And “competition” isn’t just others in your industry. Apple’s competition isn’t just Microsoft. A fitness trainer’s competition isn’t just others who teach weight loss. Competition in today’s world is anything…

Talk Like A Human Please

My biggest content-related pet peeve? When I read something and think, “No human being would ever utter those words.” “We implement cutting-edge processes to reduce costly redundancies that hamper systematic performance across the network.” What. The. Eff? It’s not just tech companies with corporate jargon that are guilty. I see this even with fitness trainers…

Yelling Isn’t Selling

“Yelling isn’t selling.” (source unknown) This is true when speaking. And it’s true when writing. The written version of yelling being ALL CAPS. As well as the gratuitous use of exclamation points!!!! (which requires its own post to address) This is common among those who first getting into copywriting and content writing. They talk about…